The Y aims to improve the nation’s health and well-being by providing programs and activities that promote wellness, reduce the risk for disease and help others reclaim their health. These programs and everything else the Y does are in service of making us—our Ys and our communities—better. The result is a nation that values health, and communities that support healthy choices. The Y.™ For a better us.
Upcoming Classes
Class offerings
Open to anyone ages 18 and older diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes
6 week program includes:
- 6-one hour group discussions led by trained facilitators
- CDC approved curriculum
Eligible individuals: A1c 5.7% – 6.4%, or fasting plasma glucose 100 – 125mg/dL, or prediabetes diagnosis, or gestational diabetes during previous pregnancy
One year program includes:
- 25 one hour discussion sessions led by a trained Lifestyle Coach
- CDC-approved curriculum including food and activity information and self-tracking
- Weekly weigh-in
Blood Pressure and Heart Health
Open to individuals with hypertension or at risk.
8 week program includes:
- Weekly one-hour meetings to discuss risk factors
- Strategies and lifestyle changes that may prevent an episode
- Aspects of nutrition, physical activity, and self-care
- Blood pressure check at each session
Open to all individuals with hypertension
4 month program includes:
- 4 nutrition education seminars
- weekly blood pressure measurements
- blood pressure cuff, if needed
Weight Management
Open to children ages 7-13 with a BMI in the 95th percentile.
4 month program includes:
• 25 family-based weight-management sessions
• Nutrition education and physical activity for child and parent/caregiver
For teens between the ages of 14 and 19.
6-week program includes:
• Weekly sessions include 30 minutes of activity
• 30 minute discussion about topics related to a healthy lifestyle
Achieve a healthier lifestyle through sustainable lifestyle changes.
12-week program includes:
• Weekly 1-hour discussions
• Food and nutrition, physical activity, stress and sleep
• Weekly weigh-ins, food and activity tracking
• Strategic goal setting
Healthy Lifestyles For All
Exercise class: open to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s that does not need to use a cane or walker. Ongoing, register at any time.
- Improve motor skills through gait, line and dexterity exercises
- Improve strength with use of TRX body weight exercises
- Improve cardiovascular function and agility through step platform work
SmartFit 1-1: open to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s
- Improve specific cognitive functions through use of SmartFit reaction system
- 20-30min sessions 2x/week by appointment
This program is supported by a community grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation.
Open to all individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer of any type – can be a recent diagnosis or from years ago
12-week program includes:
- pre and post-program assessments
- 2 supervised group exercise sessions per week, with an individualized exercise program
Open to tobacco users ages 18 and older who are ready to quit
7 week program includes 8-90 minute group discussions:
- Medicines that can help you quit
- Lifestyle changes that can make quitting easier
- How to stay tobacco-free for good
Open to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s
- • Group meets twice a week by appointment
- Improve specific cognitive functions through use of SmartFit reaction system
Open to ages 18+ 8-week program includes:
• Group meets twice a week for eight weeks
• Safe and easy-to-learn Tai Chi movements to:
- Increase joint stability and flexibility,
- Improve balance
- Decrease pain from arthritis, and Improve focus
Open to all individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s.
12-week program features:
• Cognitive Fitness
• Physical Fitness
• Social Engagement
• Stress Management
• Healthful Nutrition
• Quality Sleep