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1 (one) child between the ages of 10-17. 

1 (one) adult above the age of 18.

2 (two) individuals living in the same household. One of the members must be 18 years of age.  

 2 (two) adults plus any children ages 0-26 living in the same household. 

2 (two) adults plus any grandchildren ages 0-26.

Please Note:

* Family & Grandparent Memberships: Once a child turns the age of 27, they will no longer be a valid member under either of these membership types.  The individual will be removed from the membership and will need to establish their own membership.

** Youth Memberships:  Note that a youth membership does not receive discounts on any paid programs offered through the YMCA of Greater Toledo, nor is it applicable for members of a Swim Team and or our Competitive Gymnastic Team.  once a child reaches the age of 18, their membership will convert to an Individual Membership and will be drafted at the currently published rate of the YMCA Individual Membership.